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The Ultimate Spring Cleaning Checklist: 10 Things You Might Be Missing

Posted on 24/07/2024

Spring has officially sprung, and with the warmer weather and longer days, it's the perfect time to freshen up our homes. While most of us know the basics of spring cleaning such as dusting, vacuuming, and decluttering, there are some often overlooked tasks that can make a big difference in the overall cleanliness and organization of our homes. To ensure that your home is truly sparkling from top to bottom this spring, here is the ultimate spring cleaning checklist with 10 things you might be missing.

1. Clean Your Windows

We all know how important it is to clean the inside of our windows, but what about the outside? The exterior of our windows accumulate dirt and grime over time, leaving them looking dull and obstructing natural sunlight from entering our homes. Take the time to give them a good scrub with a mixture of vinegar and water, or use a window cleaner specifically designed for outdoor use.

Spring cleaning clean

2. Dust Ceiling Fans and Light Fixtures

Ceiling fans and light fixtures are often neglected when it comes to cleaning, but they can harbor a significant amount of dust and allergens. Use a damp microfiber cloth to wipe down each blade, as well as the surface of any light bulbs or fixtures. This will not only improve air quality but also prevent dust from falling onto your newly cleaned floors and furniture.

3. Deep Clean Appliances

Our appliances work hard for us every day, so it's essential to give them some TLC during spring cleaning. While we may remember to clean the inside of our oven or refrigerator, don't forget about areas like behind the fridge or under the stove where crumbs and dust can accumulate. Take this opportunity to also clean out your dryer vent and remove lint build-up for better energy efficiency.

4. Freshen Up Mattresses

Our mattresses can harbor a lot of dirt, sweat, and allergens over time. This spring, remove all bedding and use a vacuum attachment to thoroughly clean your mattress. Then, sprinkle baking soda on top and let it sit for a few hours before vacuuming it up. This will help eliminate any lingering odors and keep your mattress feeling fresh.

5. Clean Out Gutters

While this task may not be glamorous, it's an essential part of maintaining your home. Clogged gutters can lead to water damage and other issues, so it's crucial to remove any debris that may have accumulated over the winter months. Use a ladder and gloves to safely clear out leaves, twigs, and other debris from your gutters.

6. Don't Forget About Your Vacuum

Vacuums work hard in our homes year-round, but they also need some maintenance to perform at their best. Take the time to empty the dustbin or replace the bag if necessary, as well as clean or replace any filters. You can also use compressed air to blow out any dust or debris that may have accumulated in the hoses or attachments.

7. Wipe Down Walls and Baseboards

Walls and baseboards are often overlooked when it comes to cleaning, but they collect dust and scuff marks just like any other surface in our homes. Use a damp cloth or magic eraser to wipe down walls and baseboards, paying special attention to high-traffic areas like hallways and entryways.

8. Declutter Drawers and Cabinets

Spring cleaning is also the perfect time to declutter and organize your drawers and cabinets. Donate or toss anything you no longer need or use, and invest in organizers or dividers to maximize space and keep things tidy.

Spring cleaning clean

9. Disinfect Frequently Touched Surfaces

With flu season still in full swing, it's essential to disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, and countertops. Use a disinfectant spray or wipes to kill any lingering germs and keep your home healthy.

10. Wash Your Trash Cans

Trash cans can easily become breeding grounds for bacteria and unpleasant odors. Take them outside and give them a thorough scrub with hot water and soap before drying them in the sun. You can also sprinkle baking soda in the bottom of your trash can to absorb any smells.


Following this comprehensive spring cleaning checklist will leave your home feeling fresh, organized, and more comfortable to maintain throughout the year. It will also improve air quality and remove any potential health hazards.


Spring cleaning can be time-consuming and labor-intensive, but the benefits of a clean and organized home far outweigh the cons.


- Make a list of tasks before you start to stay organized and on track.
- Enlist the help of family members or friends for a more efficient and enjoyable cleaning experience.
- Invest in multi-purpose cleaners to save time and money.
- Turn on some upbeat music to make the process more fun.


Spring cleaning is not just about making our homes look tidy; it's also about maintaining our living spaces for optimal health and wellbeing. By tackling these often overlooked tasks, you can ensure that your home is truly sparkling from top to bottom.


Don't let these 10 commonly missed tasks slip through the cracks during your spring cleaning routine. By following this ultimate spring cleaning checklist, you can achieve a clean, healthy, and organized home that you can enjoy all year round. Happy cleaning!